CA reactor


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I want to get a calcium reactor for my tank to help keep my dkh and ph at good levels.I'm throwing in the do it myself towel.Is the coralife 250 a good one? My tank is only 90gal and i don't have a whole lot of sps yet. I see other peoples birdsnest coral and then look at mine and want to kick my tank.I am on a tight budget and the coralife seems reasonale.
For ph and alk i'd look into a kalk reactor, those might be a better option for you.
I've had really good luck with the coralife CR. Sam at aquabuys has a very nice lil intro pack where all you would need is to add a CO2 tank. You can get those tanks fairly cheaply from a beverage supply company. I ordered mine and my total cost was under 350 brand new. If you don't mind used products you can save a bunch as well although 350 for the whole setup was reasonable imo.
If you run a calcium reactor, is it a given that it will drive your ph down? How do you compensate for that?
I was going to get the 300 dollar starter kit from aquabuys. I think it comes with one.