calcium and alkalinity HIGH?!


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ok so my calicum tested at 500

and my alkalinity tested at 130

i was told these are high but how can that be if i dont even nor have i ever dosed for either one of them.
the test was done by my LFS where i get my other test like ph and all that far as what type of test i have no clue....he uses it in his store on his tanks thats all i know...

would them being high hurt coral?

also how could they be high if i never dose
pet showcase i have been going to the guy for a really long time i know him far as specifics i will give it a shot....

80 gallon about 80-90 lbs. of live rock...fine sand substrate almost like playground sand......all my other levels nitrate trites ph all that check out good....i dont have a sump or fuge i have a HOB skimmer and a HOB bio wheel doesnt have the bio wheels on it but i do have 2 of the slide in filters that have carbon in them i believe i dunno u buy them from petsmart specifically for that size filter....for movement i have 2 MJ 1200's and 1 MJ far as fish go i have an ebili angel a fire fish and 3 green chromis...i have assorted snails and hermits........and i have 8 T5 set up......let me knwo if u need anything else......i dont have any type of calc reactor or anything else as far as hardware goes except for a heater
1 mushroom the size of a quarter.....1 pulsating xenia frag that was in there for maybe a week before it shrunk up to a tiny pile of nothing.......and another orange mushroom frag maybe the size of a dime.....thats it
we need some more info, and something is not right with your results. Most likely the tester or the test kit.
what other info do you need? and what do u mean the tester of the test kit isnt right? like the kit is bad? should i have it tested somewhere else?
he said your calcium is at 500 and needs to be at 450
and your alkalinity is at 130 and needs to be at 110 or 120
alk isn't 130 & most likely (although possible) your calcium isn't 500.

do you have any corals?
do you supplement or dose anything?
what salt?
what is your salinity?

what test kit is he/she and you using?
If your calcium is 500, and you aren't dosing anything, then don't worry about it as it will naturally go down on it's own.
mystery: i dose nothing, i listed the corals 2 small mushroom and a dying xenia frag, salt is the salt you buy by the bag from petsmart i forget the name off the top of my head, salinity was right at the top of the "ok area" on my hydrometer but then i topped off with fresh and it brought it back down to the middle of the "ok area" sorry im laying up stairs watching a movie so i dont know exact but it was a little high but back to normal now.

dawgdude:i dont dont dont dose anything at all literally nothing, and when i first filled the tank up about 2 1/2 months ago i used tap water but when i did the tap water i used that buffer stuff, but since the original fill ups all my top offs have been from RODI water that i get from the LFS so i ahve been doing RODI top offs for about 2 months now.......this is the same water i use in my nano where my frogspawn is doing FANTASTIC so i dont think its the RODI water....
i will get my water re tested tomm. at petland in kennesaw the guys come in to my rest. and eat so i will get him to test everything and get all the numbers back to you yall have any idea at all what could be killing my coral?
ok what type of kit do i need?

is that master saltwater test kit you see at all LFS and petsmart ok for the ph and all that?

also what brand kits should i get for Calc and Alk? and who carries these brands?
is that API the one that you typically see titled master test kit that you see at any LFS and petsmart? would petland carry it?
great, hey man i appreciate your time tonight you have really helped me out i will get a test kit and begin to monitor those things.

Thanks again everyone that helped me out with this