Calcium demands of soft and LPS coral + bonus rant


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I've seen it pop up too many times that softies and LPS coral have low calcium demands, and rather than correct this individually, I'll address it to everyone.

I think this is a misconception that really needs to be debunked. We need to accept that softies and LPS coral also use a fair amount of calcium. Soft coral has millions of tiny bony fragments spicules. They're what make soft corals rigid and allow them to have specific shapes. Also, many LPS corals develop larger skeletal masses than SPS corals do. It's like saying leathers don't need a high PAR amount, yet I see them explode with growth under 1000w 10,000ks and a calcium reactor.

A lot of us have overcome looking for a miracle product. We all started that way. I'm going to let the secret out about creating a thriving reef tank.

1. Clean water.
2. Non linear water movement.
3. Sufficient lighting.
4. Elements in their proper ratios.
-As an example the NSW levels of Mg:Ca:dKH are 1290:412:7. If you raise your calcium by 10%(~453.2ppm) you should also raise your magnesium by 10% to 1419ppm. The same is true for KH. Not doing so will cause one to perciptate out with the other until they achive a balanced ratio.

For the most part, and I stress that, you will keep almost any coral if you meet that criterea. It's actually quite hard to have too much light on a tank, as long as your specimens are acclimated to it properly. I can assure you that the lighting the majority of use doesn't not come anywhere near the sun's intensity.

When it comes to dosing trace elements, amino acids, phytoplankton, etc. these are all things that if done properly can help maximize the growth potential of your animals. If you can't test what you're adding to your tank, do it minimally and observe reactions over time.

Anyone else want to add to this?
I aggree totally with everything you stated, although, of course, I would state it a little differently. I try to use the 3 x rule with calcium & mag. So if my calcium is 450, then my mag is 1350 to 1400.

Also, there should be less of a distinction (although I believe there is some even if Eric B disagrees) between LPS & SPS as they are all Stonies, so they all need calcium, mag, and alk to form their skeleton.

As far as softies go, it makes sense to have the same (or close) water parems as in their environment, too! But I don't have much experience with them myself.

So in other words, yes you are 100% correct, and we are in total agreement. I think that there is so much false info put out there by lfs & each other, because you can maintain some of these animals for seemingly long periods of time while not maintaining these levels due to their lower sensitivity than say Acros, but they don't thrive. They instead stay in a weakened high vulnerable state until a temp swing, or whatever, and then they die. Or they just fade away over a period of 6 months to a year. Then, it's, "hey how come my blasto, brain, or whatever is receding?"
I'm on my phone, disregard all puncuatiin & spellking eroers! LOL