Calcium reactor and manually dosing.


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So I still think keeping sps is complicated but once I get a Jon I'm going to buy the nessicary equipment to keep sps alive and thriving. Ok so know for the question. If I got a calcium reactor do you still have to does a bunch of other things to keep the water stable and keep the calcium stable?

With mag you can easily dose that in your water change. If you test your mag 24hrs after you do a water change and then test on water change day to get how much your mag drops in between changes. Mag usually doesn't deplete as fast as the others in my experience
JC_k;952813 wrote: So I still think keeping sps is complicated but once I get a Jon I'm going to buy the nessicary equipment to keep sps alive and thriving. Ok so know for the question. If I got a calcium reactor do you still have to does a bunch of other things to keep the water stable and keep the calcium stable?


The calcium reactor is amazing... once you get everything dialed in, you Calcium and Alk will stay consistent without the need for dosing. When getting the reactor dialed in, I will buffer calcium up to the desired level and will test everyday to see if the level drops. After that, its "set it and forget it."
How long does that usually take..... And with the magnesium, how often do you dose that?
I don't know if you already read this, but if you don't, this should be pertinent and answer some of your questions"></a>

This is another really good info about the chemistry within your tank, It's long, be patient, and try to understand it, more questions will come to you, but if you keep searching and comprehending you'll be a master at a short age! :D
