Calcium reactor readings


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So I have been told that when dialing in a calcium reactor, the affluent that comes out should read at a certain calcium and alkalinity range. Can anyone help me to remember what that range is for both? Or was I mislead to believe that there is a certain range that your readings should be coming out of the reactor?

What you really want to read on your effluent is the pH.
Right...I understand that much but I was told that when dialed in properly you should be able to test the affluent for alkalinity and calcium and they will read within a certain range. Calcium reactors are meant to be used to maintain your levels, not raise them so that said, if dialed in properly they should theoretically read within a certain range correct?
I haven't read anything about effluent reading a specific alk or cal. I would be testing my tank water to make sure they are being maintained, not the effluent.