Calcium reactor setup


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Johns Creek
I put a calcium reactor online about a week ago. I've read and read and read some more about the setup and there is a lot of varying information on the web about the proper Co2 bubble counts vs effluent rates and a full explanation about how Calcium reactors work and their influence on reef tanks.

I came across a thread on our site. Bar none, this is best article and explanation on Calcium reactors and dosing I have found to date. It came from an amazing ARC member many of us knew and highly respected. Dave (Acroholic) authored the thread. If you want to dig into the details of Calcium reactors and dosing please check out this thread.

Thanks Brett! You are spot on in describing this as "The best write up on calcium reactors." It is easy read and understand. This is timely for me as I am about to add a calcium reactor to my system. It's amazing! Dave is still reaching out to help us!!
I wish I had the opportunity to have met Dave. Since I joined ARC I've been digging up and reading his posts. What an awesome read that post was! Thank you for sharing it.