Calcium reactor suggestion


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I think I have finally gotten to the crossroads with my tank.
I now have the decision of should I stick with 2 part dosing or should I start the next phase of my Journey with a calcium reactor. I currently have a 180 gallon SPS domain tank and is considering moving up to a 300 gallon in the near future I am using B-ionic 2 part dosing and it has been working very well for me my corals are looking great and growing nicely. The two part is getting a little costly every two months and I know a calcium reactor will bring my costs down with the same result
My dilemma is which calcium reactor I should purchase? I have been looking at The Reef Octopus SRO CR5000D. and the MRC CR2. I am open for any suggestions so whatever you say I am willing to listen. Thank you in advance.
MRC always makes a good product. GEO reactors are also nice and easy to use. The important thing is that you get a good peristaltic pump. Most people use medical grade continuous use ones to get a consistent flow
I use the SRO CR5000D. It works well for me. The only issue I had was that the o-rings went bad at some point and I had to replace them... but I think that would happen with any of them. Otherwise it works like a champ. Although I haven't used MRC reactors, I know that MRC makes good products and since they're local if you ever had a problem I'm sure it would be easier to get help so that's a bonus.
If you're planning on controlling the co2 with an apex, I'd say get one with a PH probe port in the main chamber. I have a Korallin C4002 that I purchased from a member. I works great but doesnt have a probe port. I had to DIY one with a container but it measures the effluent ph not the main chamber's ph.
If you're planning on controlling the co2 with an apex, I'd say get one with a PH probe port in the main chamber. I have a Korallin C4002 that I purchased from a member. I works great but doesnt have a probe port. I had to DIY one with a container but it measures the effluent ph not the main chamber's ph.
Hey Leo, I had that issue with one of my other reactors. You can easily install a port... just need the adapter which was only a few bucks and a drill :).
LOL. Just drill it bro. It's acrylic... so its really hard to do it wrong. :) If you mess up or don't want it for whatever reason you can patch the hole with another piece of acrylic. If you need help just bring it by sometime. I'm right around the corner from yah.
I have the vertex one. I’ve had 2 MRC and an avast I’m much happier with the vertex. My $.02 is get a 2 chamber, it’s much more consistent and doesn’t lower the tank ph much