Calcium reactor vs. weekly water changes


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Ok, I've read the pros and cons (mostly pros) relative to calcium reactors over dosing. I have a 34 gallon tank and perform weekly water changes (~15%.... sometimes 30%), and I'm wondering if getting a calcium reactor will provide meaningful</em> benefits, i.e., sps growth, etc. above and beyond good ol' fashion water changes. Obviously, there are a lot of variables germane to growth/coloration, etc - holding all of those constant, I would love to solicit thoughts....Ca reactors vs. WCs. Perhaps the real benefit is in consistency offered by a reactor once properly queued up....

***I am using Salinity salt mix.

While I am currently not SPS heavy, I think it'll be a matter of time. ;)
Calcium reactor is a little overkill for that size tank. I would just do two part dosing.
jhutto;795000 wrote: Calcium reactor is a little overkill for that size tank. I would just do two part dosing.

+1 or keep up with the weekly water changes
Solana? If so, too small for a reactor and too small (if packed with SPS) for water changes. You would need both.
Yes, it's a Solana. Perhaps I'm due for a BIGGER tank??!! :thumbs:

All in the pursuit of purdy corals.....

MvM;795009 wrote: Solana? If so, too small for a reactor and too small (if packed with SPS) for water changes. You would need both.
Im confused now lol if you do weekly.water changes you dont have to dose ? Btw, im setting up a 180 and was planning 40 gallon weekly water changes on my reef tank
IMO the only way water changes will keep up with your Alk,Cal up take is if your did a 100% a week or fake corals LOL. A 10% water change will give 10% of what your sysetem used between water changes