Calcium Reactor


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After figuring in the work involved in a 2-part solution and the cost to automate it to my liking, I am switching to a calcium reactor. So to shortcut all the reading I would have to do, anybody have a problem with this setup from our sponser:"></a>

maybe know of one cheaper that is just as good?
That's a steal for the size. I'd like to hear about it too. Most Calcium reactors are over sized for my setup and correspondingly expensive.

I gather from theplatypus' not-in-thread response that the evaluation of the Coralife reactors isn't so hot, though.
I have read it tends to leak and the pump isn't very strong on the unit. I priced out a simlar unit from MRC and it comes in at around $175 more than this one. Anyone else got a good reasonably priced reactor I should look at?
125 gallons and under what I would call high demand. Kalkwasser can't keep up and additives are getting expensive quick. I could do two part, but at this point I think I am going to chuck $300-$600 at it and do it right.
Try our other sponser"></a>

You can get used tanks filled at holox in Atlanta for 74 bucks, and a milwaukee reugulator for around 85 on ebay.

I still have the Dennerlee CO2 regulator for sale. $ 65 shipped.
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I gather from theplatypus' not-in-thread response that the evaluation of the Coralife reactors isn't so hot, though.

Actually I'm thinking about unloading my MRC calcium reactor.
Cameron wrote: After figuring in the work involved in a 2-part solution and the cost to automate it to my liking, I am switching to a calcium reactor. So to shortcut all the reading I would have to do, anybody have a problem with this setup from our sponser:"></a>

maybe know of one cheaper that is just as good?[/QUOTE]

I know you are planning on having the tank set up for a while so far quality in the long run, take a strong look at MRC. And he is a sponsor
These are some really nice Ca Reactors but they are very very expensive!"></a>
You do not buy off their website anymore. Instead it says that you purchase from Austin Oceans or something.
I second MyReefCreations as well. [IMG]"></a>
Very good products for your reef. :) :)
I was leaning toward an MRC "scratch-n-dent" since it doesn't effect performance. I can also pick it up which lessons the cost since most others have to be shipped for an additional $30+. Still for a full MRC setup I am looking at around $550 which is enough to make me rethink the two part cost effectiveness.

I am still going back and forth on the two part (really a three part). I have a LiterMeter with one pump so I am thinking about picking up another and just using two part. It is cheaper, but not as easy. I don't know. I do know Seachem supplemental dosing is getting expensive fast.
I was almost there. Running the numbers and it looks like that stuff would run me for 45 days. So the cost would be another dosing pump for $140 and another $220 per year for the formula. I would break even with a calc reactor in roughly two years. Using which is Holmes-Farleys two part in easier to use bags would stretch that break even point out to around 4-5 years. Hmmm....
You can pick up prestone drive way heat at any publix for about $7.00 about 5lbs, which is listed in that article as a sub for turbo calcium. I'm about to the point to start since I picked some up Sunday. You can also use epsom salts for the mag portion. I picked up a 2lb bag at publix for 1.79.

I was looking in Lowes at lunch today. The only pure calcium chloride I could find was pool chemicals. The de-icer stuff was blends of other chemicals in addition to calcium chloride or was sodium chloride.
I am pretty sure that you can get the DowFlake Calcium Chloride at any Ready Mix USA. They are a chain that sells products to make concrete.
Here is a link to a list of locations and a phone number to find a close location as they have several in Atlanta.
Let me know it this works out because I have not yet picked up any Calcium Chloride from them but have been told that this is a valid source."></a>
Two Read Mix USA near my work. I'll check them at lunchtime tomorrow and report.
I wouldn't call it a hijack personally since it is the same topic more or less. I look at threads as conversation more than topics.

Anyway, I have decided to dose rather than react. If a good deal comes around, I will jump on it but until then two part dosing is in my future. I would have gone reactor if I didn't already have a litermeter which makes dosing a bit less of a chore.