Cam someone tell me what this beauty is.

mimi's fish

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ghbrewer;976324 wrote: Did it come off of the rock you bought from me?

If it did, then it is possibly a baby ricordea mushroom. I can kind of see the green mouth in the pic (but I might just be see things...)

The two adults have been releasing them about every 2-3 months.
The babies tend to get released and can float around.
When they go somewhere dark and do not get enough light, they tend to bleach out a bit.
Their full color will return with time, and with appropriate light.
No. This was on a rock with some other red mushrooms and zoas I got several months ago.
K, well nevertheless, keep an eye on the ricordeas, they are pretty productive...

Cool find!
How big are they? And if you move the rock does it close up immediately?