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<span style="font-size: 1+2px;"><span style="color: #006699;">Top 10 Funniest Things You've Ever Heard Someone Say At A Local Fish Store (LFS)...</em></span></span>

10) Lady looks at the display tank and asks, "Is that a saltwater fish?" ("Yes Ma'am") Points to another fish in the same tank, and asks "Is that a saltwater fish too?"
<span style="color: #006699;">Brandon1652 of Norman, OK</span></em>
9) I once heard a guy say to his girlfriend, "look hun...seahorses." Her reply was "Wow...those are real? I thought they were mythical animals like unicorns."
<span style="color: #006699;">luvreefs23 of Someplace, Ohio</span></em>
8) "The most expensive part of the hobby is the initial cost of the aquarium and stand."
<span style="color: #006699;">Crazieveggie of Kansas </span></em>
7) "After a couple months this coral will grow out enough so you sell frags. The money will more than offset the cost of maintaining your tank."
<span style="color: #006699;">Sbertomen of Albany NY </span></em>
6) So what kind of skimmer do you have? "Oh, I'm pretty sure it's a protein skimmer."
<span style="color: #006699;">paca444 of Central New York</span></em>
5) "Do blood shrimp need blood to survive?"
<span style="color: #006699;">DezignMe of Lafayette, IN</span></em>
4) "...but it's called a purple REEF lobster, he couldn't have done anything wrong."
<span style="color: #006699;">Kraylen of Monterey Bay, California</span></em>
3) Standing in front of the LFS's 300 gallon reef, the owner and a man off the street are talking. The man asks "So how expensive is a saltwater tank?" To this the owner replies "It costs a bit to get everything started, but after that the only expense you have is food."
<span style="color: #006699;">rubysmomma1 of Indiana </span></em>
2) "If my wife comes in to buy me a gift card for Christmas, don't tell her that I've been in here this week.... better yet, act like you don't know who I am."
<span style="color: #006699;">joedirte8 of Houston, TX</span></em>
1) "I want to return this mag float because it had been floating in my tank for 2 weeks and has not collected any algae."
<span style="color: #006699;">Dcamp of Evansville, Indiana</span></em>
Reefkeeping's</em> next Top Ten for April: "Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Have Just Left It The Way It Was..." Our thanks go out to leeweber85 for suggesting the next topic!
Honorable mention goes to <span style="color: #006699;">Biowerks of Duluth, MN</span></em> for this original joke: A puffer swims into his local LFS and asks the eel shopkeep behind the counter to bag up some live rock for him. The eel puts some live rock in a bag and says that it is about 25 lbs. The puffer looks at the bag and says "I dont know man, it looks kinda light, can you weigh this for me?" The eel looks insulted and screams at the puffer "You know that I don't have any scales!"</em>
<p style="text-align:center;"><p style="text-align:left;">Think you're funny? Send us an entry (via the "Submit" button or the forum link below) for your "Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Have Just Left It The Way It Was..."

If you have questions, would like to suggest a future Top Ten topic or place an entry, visit our online
1)"What is specific gravity?"

No word of exaggeration - last week a customer brought in his water and an ailing coral that left my store in beautiful shape about 10 days before. Said all his params tested fine at home, but couldn't figure out what was wrong. He brought a sample and I began by testing the specific gravity, which turned out to be 1.016. (Other params were fine!)

When I asked him what he thought his specific gravity was based on his home testing, he went blank... and asked the question.

He's had his tank for a year, and has never tested specific gravity - didn't know he was supposed to, didn't have a device to test it with.

The coral didn't make it (we tried to salvage it but it was too far gone)

2) "Y'all got any sea-fishes?" (we still laugh about that one).

And I have had #10 in the above list asked of me on several occasions - asking if each fish in the same tank is saltwater.

I could write a book...

#9 sounds like something out of a Will Ferrel movie...

And you all dont want to know what my wife said when I told here I need a hydrometer to measure the SG...let's just say it would for sure make the top 10...