Can mysis shrimp hatch from frozen cube shrimp ?


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Sure seems unlikely to me , but I got shrimp bouncing around in between my rocks and I haven't added any rock or coral for a few months for them to hitchhike on..
I believe, on a cellular level, that cells will burst when frozen because of the expansion that occurs when freezing. I am not a biologist, just guessing why that seems unlikely. Could they be pods?
That's kinda what I was thinking regarding freezing them , but they are without a doubt mysis , I can see them quite clearly .
I have a small tank that I grow amphipods , copepods and tigger pods , I can easily identify them from one another and these mysis are as big as any I feed frozen so ID isn't a mystery just where it came from
I just thought of something. Humans freeze eggs all the time. Maybe it is possible.
Tbub- you are not the first person to ask, I remember reading something like this awhile back, however I can't for the life of me remember what the conclusion was. I think that it would be improbable because most mysis are freshwater (don't hold me to that).

JBDreefs- The trick to freezing stuff like that is to do it quick so that no ice crystals form, the crystals will rupture the cell walls. A lot of times the material is soaked in glycerine to remove as much of the water as possible and then dunked into liquid nitrogen. This tidbit will be forever seared into my memory as I hiked up a freaking mountain carrying a 25 L dewer of liquid nitrogen so we could sample different brook trout genetics. The entire time the fisheries biologist going on and on and on about what happens to different parts of the fish as you freeze them and there was no break for the entire climb. Meanwhile I felt like I was having a heart attack due to the shear exhaustion from climbing at least 3000 ft elevation and the hike, the entire time wishing that I could dunk his head in the liquid nitrogen just to get him to stop. Ohh... good times.

Sorry a bit more then what you asked for, chances are that the eggs would be damaged unless specially treat them first ... ignore the emotionally scarring back story.
I found the thread

Pretty sure they can/do. I had the same situation. Mysis shrimp in the back of my biocube and the only place I could think they came from was a frozen cube and they only appeared once I started feeding the frozen mysis. I still have a hard time believing it but...