Can water be too hard?


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I'm not sure if the water with too much CO3 can actually be bad or not; I don't think so but just want to make sure.

I let my dkh go and never care if its too high, I just keep up with calcium (hard job) and add baking soda liberally. My Calcium never seems to go past 420 no matter what my DKH is.

My DKH is 18-20... lol Is that a problem?
yes, your water can be to hard. Stop putting cement in your tank! How many times do I have to tell you that!!!!!!!!!!!
<span style="color: black;">Other than it causing you to waste money to maintain a normal calcium level, it won't harm anything at those levels.</span>
Sometimes it slips to that range, but usually stable at 14-16dkh. My carbonates gets used faster than my calcium, so balanced or not i guess it works out.