Can you really have too much light?


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I think I asked this question before, but I want a definitive answer from some someone who knows. I have a 90 gallon with 400w X 2 PFO MHI over it, with 96X2 of actinics to start things up in the morning. I know the corals don't care how many gallons of water they're sitting in, but do you think this much light lifted 12'' off the water may be a bit too much for it? I have all sps tank with the exception of 2-3 soft ones like tree/colt coral, and a couple of big clams.
This is am loaded question. For many corals, you really cant have too much light. However, you can put lower light corals in duress by putting them in high light. For SPS and clams, the 400 are good. You're not overdoing it.
It definatly depends on the coral. You can burn some of them if they are too close ot the light but, if they are far enough away from the light then they are fine. It is a very broad subject and im sure could go on for a while. IMO you cannot have too much light as long as the corals are at an adequate distance from the light.
The answer to your question is "you're fine", but I couldn't help but to join in your signature game:

240 gallons... 2,000watts...10,000GPH flow... I think I win on that one!:jk:
It's good that we all have good flow in our tanks because in my opinion this is the most underestimated part of a reef tank. More light the better!
mojo wrote: 240 gallons... 2,000watts...10,000GPH flow... I think I win on that one!

I don't win, but I can enter the race with a 120, 750w and almost 4000gph.
I thinkg that the main thing with having a lot of light is a possible algae problem but I do not think that your corals are suffering from too much light. If you don't have an algae problem then you are good to go. It's time to get into SPS!!!
Jeeze!! I thought my corals and fish were getting blown around! Good Lord!! However I have MJ's and they just move a tight stream of water, unlike those seio's and alike.
He likes to bare his tank bottom or something like that. Bare bottom tanks can afford that kind of flow, we have to worrry about our tanks looking like snow globes.
mojo wrote: The answer to your question is "you're fine", but I couldn't help but to join in your signature game:

240 gallons... 2,000watts...10,000GPH flow... I think I win on that one!:jk:

Oh boy can I play TOO ???

360 gallons... 1600 watts.....20,000GPH I finish in the money ????

actually with four tunze 6200's $$$ I believe I am doomed to finish with NO money :lol:
yeah I have a BB tank so that flow is def needed to kick that crud up and out to my skimmer.