Can you tell me what this is?


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Not that this ever happens but I can't identify this anemone it was a freebie and the individual didn't know what it was. The foot is a white cream color the disc is a rosy/pink color and the tips of the tentacles are a green color staying strictly to the tips. It elongates and bubbles the tentacles just like my green bubble and has a white star radiating from the aperture. The orange thing next to it feels like a leather and has small polyps like a accro that it extends when I feed with phyto and zoe and dt's. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
If I had a majano that looked like that I would make it the centerpiece of my tank!

Tentacles and tips do look like a majano but the color on this thing WOW.
Yeah, we need to know how big it is. Mojanos dont get bigger than 1" or so in diameter, I believe.

From my experience, mojanos dont spread near as fast as aptasia, so maybe you can give it time and see what it does, and if it grows.
Fully opened about 2.5 inches he stays about 2 the lady who gave it to me said she had the mother that was about 4-6 inches fully opened and it was dividing again it has a second mouth.
Better for you to be safe then sorry!

You should pull that thing out ASAP and get it to me somehow where I can put it in a tank for a super special and highly technical daily observance :)
Well I think I'll have to keep it for now if it starts replicating like nanobots then I'll look at giving it away...maybe..Dunno i may come to the reefer meeting this week maybe. First thing in the morning it has bubbles like my bubble anemone.
I can't

You might want to try sending that pic and an email to wetwebmedia.

I bet those guys can tell you.

Then come back and update us!
Yeah getting out my real camera today and gonna try to get a better picture really wanna know I'll see if I can't get a better one posted today.