Canister Protien Skimmer


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I wonder why nobody (at least that I know of) takes the cannister filter idea and slaps a skimmer in it. Create a nice little media tray at the top on the side so you could run your PhosBan or similar, carbon and possibly some other filter media even Kalk as the water exits. Then put in a small pump to keep the syphon pulling and pushing along. Adjustment would be fairly easy since the flow and such would already be matched perfectly. It would be pretty easy to keep quite since there wouldn't be any loud water crashing and the skimmer would be enclosed. It would be plug and play so newbs like me would have an easier time with it and wouldn't need to learn plumbing skills. Little chance of an overflow. You could even create a little compartment so that a heater could be installed.

I am sure there are dozens of technical difficulties in a project like this, but I sure would have bought one if it skimmed decently.
You just gave me a great idea for a DIY project with my old Magnum 350. Thanks!
that would be because canisters are closed loop systems, any opening at all would cause a flood