Cannot get my skimmer USE-able - help!


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Evans, GA
Hey all. I have a 65 gallon reef ready, with a squar-ish acrylic sump below. The water in the skimmer compartment stays at 9.5 inches.

I have the ASM G-1 skimmer, and I have not been able to use it for more than an hour at a time, because the skimmate cup quickly </em>becomes inundated with bubbles and rapidly starts filling up with water, and I have to repeatedly dump that, until I lose the battle and turn it back off again. Also, the DT fills up with micro-bubbles shortly after starting the skimmer, and the fish get bummed out and go hide.

Right now I tried placing a flat Tupperware under the skimmer, which lowered the level inside the (not running) skimmer from 9.5 to just below 7 inches. If this made any difference, I cannot tell.

At the moment, I have the adjustable pipe on the outside of the skimmer - the one that regulates inside depth - set to minimum.

I have no idea how to get this thing running effectively, and I humbly ask for help.

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Try to get the skimmer water level lower. Try getting it to 5" and see what happens.
Also, if something is blocking the venturi airline (twist in line, salt creep, etc), that will cause a skimmer to overflow.

And finally, if you've added anything to the tank like epoxy/putty, it can cause the skimmer to go nuts.
can you adjust the airflow on the G1? I've never had one so I don't know. Once you get the level to 5 or 6 inches you will want to adjust the air intake so that it bubbles just at the cup level.

At least thats how I run my BubbleKing
I told you a million times that ill come fix that thing for you.