Canopy build


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I recently got some good pieces of wood that was going to be thrown away while helping a family friend move. I have been staring at it wondering what I want to build, It's really not that much just some 48"x18" sheets of ply and a few 2x4s. Also have been having problems with my MH fixture heating up the tank and getting salt creep rapidly reducing the amount of light that is reaching the tank. It has to be cleaned daily. So I figured I would go ahead and build a canopy to raise it up a bit.

The fixture in't that light weight, so I want to support it well. I want to leave the top and back of the canopy open to let heat escape.

I'm thinking about just building a 2x4 frame that will sit on top of the tank and skinning the front and sides. The frame will have a 2x4 brace running the across the top in the middle to hang the lights from.

These are not exact measurements but it would be
(5) 36" 2x4s
(8) 17" 2x4s
for the frame and then skinned with 1/2" ply. And a trap door in the front

does that seem to heavy for a standard 40 breeder?
is my plan flawed?

If my design is not clear just imagine the 12 edges of a rectangular prism like this picture built out of 2x4 with an extra running aross the length in the middle of the top for the lights, skinned with 1/2" ply, and then some trim if it is functional :). It will be about 36"x18"X18"
alt="" />

does that make sense?
It makes perfect sense but I don't think you really need a 2x4 frame for it, maybe some 2x2 blocks in the corners to help keep it square and the crossmember for the lights.
I ended up doing my canopy for my 40b out of 1x8 select pine and a piece of 1/2" plywood for the top, but it is hanging and LEDs so a little different setup.