Canton Reefers Night Out (open invitation)


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Hi Y'All,

This has been a long time in the making, and I thought I'd open the invitation to all who want to join.

Some of the many Canton area reef keepers are planning to get together this Friday (Feb 16th 2007) to have drinks and dinner at a local restaurant (probably a Mexican). Scheduled to start around 6:30pm but stragglers welcome. All I am looking for now is an idea of numbers.

Please note. This is not an official reef meeting (i.e. ARC. etc....) nor do i want to be seen as one, its just a bunch of reef-heads getting together and having fun. There will be no presentation, unless you class Todd and I dancing on the table as a presentation. Thats more of a representation of our in-ability to consume alcohol.

There is no sheduled frag swap, however if it works out that way, I'm cool with it. Maybe a good time to donate to frags to the "Save Steve's Reef" cause.

Again all are welcome, even spouses. Hoping to have good fun, good food and drink.
Sounds like fun! I posted on TRT too. I will be there and the first pitchers on me!
I'll be there!!! Most likely with my wife. I'll get back to you on that. El Caporel (sp?) off exit 16 sounds good to me, but they do get busy on a Friday night.

Same here. I'll be flying back from N.M. on Friday but should be here early enough to meet whereever the "meeting" ends up taking place.
I'll keep an eye out for location details... I could use a little down time.
Good to see you Simon, you've been in hiding for a while.
I'll check with my wife. Might be able to make it depending on where it is...
El Caporal
571 Marietta Rd
Canton, GA 30114
(770) 720-4482,+GA&cid=0,0,2796400489323266711&ll=34.226717,-84.493107&spn=0,.02&sa=X&oi=local&ct=image">,+GA&cid=0,0,2796400489323266711&ll=34.226717,-84.493107&spn=0,.02&sa=X&oi=local&ct=image</a>

Got a table for approx 20 should make that number easily. I've reserved it from 6:30pm.
Great Simon. Thanks. That's one of my favorite Mexican places. I highly recommend their Buritto Caporal.

I'll be there and my wife is still a maybe.


do we say we have reservations with the ARC? :)

see you guys tomorrow night,
