Cany Cane Question


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Hi all,

another question: I hope I dont become the annoying guy on the forum.....

anyway, I just recently bought a candy cane coral at Petland (Windward). He is looking pretty good in the tank but one of the heads does not look as healthy as the others (5 total).

The unhealthy looking head is not as puffed up around the edges and it is showing the "bony"/ "skeletal" part. I have a couple of pieces of dead Candy Cane Coral in the tank (rubble rock) and this one head looks like it's getting there....there is still flesh around it but not as much as the other heads.....

Is this bad? Anything I can do to make it better? Should I return it (I have until tomorrow to exchange for store credit)?

Jorge - the hopefully not yet annoying guy.
<span style="color: black;">If it&#8217;s just one head then you may want to keep it and see if that head makes it. All of the flesh can recess down into the skeleton which makes it look like its dead. Was it like that when you first placed it in the tank?</span> was like that when I placed it in the tank...I asked about it at petland but the guy siad he thouht it was just recessed and that it should be all the other heads ate and were puffed up except for that one....
sound like that 1 head may not make it. However the rest of the head are fine.

I woldn't worry about returning it to the store.
I have one that comes and goes like that. Sometimes, it looks bad. Other times, it's puffy and happy looking. Hope yours makes it.
When I first put them in my tank, the different polyps seem to take turns looking angry for a while.

Is it in the side receiving the most flow? Does it receive more light?

It probably got beat up a bit during shipping. Most likely that polyp was the one lying against the bottom of the bag. I'd be willing to bet that it recovers. Even if it doesn't, chances are very good that any remaining tissue will develop mouths and form new polyps.

They only look fragile. They are amazingly resilient and just plain want to survive. Don't worry, be happy you got a new candy cane.