Captive bred Seahorse.


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I just purchased a captive bred seahorse for my 125 reef tank. I read several short post on the internet, all success stories. I was wondering if anyone here has had success and if they added any thing to the reef for the sake of latch points for the seahorse.
125 gallon sea horse tank is HUGE!!! Depends on what kind you have but that size tank can hold a lot of sea horses. Its typically goes 30 gallons for the first pair and then 15 gallons for each additional pair. But YES you must have hitching posts everywhere! Good source of this is either soft fake coral "soft as in to the touch not actually soft coral" and also toadstool and gorgonians. I have a 40 gallon sea horse tank set up myself. Make sure you have a good protein skimmer! They are very messy!
One more thing I would put the seahorses pretty much by themselves. You can add other fish with caution! Here is one site that is a good reference point.