Carbon dosing and clear slime


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So, I've noticed the build up of a white (probably more clear than white) slime in my sump. I can see strings of it attached to the various chords and I'm starting to see accumulations on the sump walls. My assumption is that this is the build up of bacteria related to the No-PoX that I dose. I'm relatively new to carbon dosing, so I don't quite know all the in's and out's. Is this to be expected?

I've also read that, when carbon dosing, one should use a beefy skimmer to more efficiently remove the bacteria consuming the nitrates. I have roughly 45 gallons of water volume and I'm using the RO 150 classic. This skimmer seems like total overkill to me, so I'm hoping that my issue is not really related to my choice of skimmer but more of the normal experience.

I've read many times that people carbon dosing experience a higher rate at which filter socks need to be replaced/rinsed. This is usually attributed to the higher density of the good bacteria that consumes the nitrates. My experience with filter socks and carbon dosing certainly mirrors this.

Based on the experience described above, I presume that equipment needs to be cleaned more regularly (pumps, reactors, etc.).

My questions are as follows:

1) Is this normal?
2) Do I need to beef up my maintenance routine to include a good scrub of the sump and equipment periodically (looks like monthly may be about right). The skimmer chamber definitely has a nice film of this stuff on it.
3) Is this a sign of too much carbon? (my nitrates are sitting between 8 and 12 ppm) Should I reduce my dosing regimen? Based on my nitrate level, My thoughts are that the amount I'm dosing is about right.
4) Should I rinse my matrix in water change water? Surely, the matrix is being coated in this bacteria which clogs the pores and renders it useless? The carbon chamber of my reactor gets cleaned every two weeks. I was thinking about emptying the matrix chamber into a colander/strainer of some sort and shaking the matrix around in salt water to knock loose some of the slime.
hey man...
I have dosed the NOPOX too, and I do remember getting some of that stuff... It will go away in my limited exp with NOpox

I really don't think it takes nearly as much of it to maintain your bacterial level as the package suggests.. but that's for another post.

also, I noticed that you really know that it has kicked in when your skimmate turns dark dark green.. almost black (not brown). Seems I read a few posts about this too.

Did your levels hit 0 yet? because they will very quickly... if they haven't but you may consider going ahead and throttling back the dosage ahead of time. I found that dosing very little of that stuff daily / every other day seems to work best.

but yea.. for NO3 and PO4.. it does work.. and work fast.
SnowManSnow;1073445 wrote: hey man...
I have dosed the NOPOX too, and I do remember getting some of that stuff... It will go away in my limited exp with NOpox

I really don't think it takes nearly as much of it to maintain your bacterial level as the package suggests.. but that's for another post.

also, I noticed that you really know that it has kicked in when your skimmate turns dark dark green.. almost black (not brown). Seems I read a few posts about this too.

Did your levels hit 0 yet? because they will very quickly... if they haven't but you may consider going ahead and throttling back the dosage ahead of time. I found that dosing very little of that stuff daily / every other day seems to work best.

but yea.. for NO3 and PO4.. it does work.. and work fast.

I haven't hit 0 yet. I was between 8 and 12 last week on my NO3 and this week I am sitting right at 8 ppm. FWIW, my PO4 is around 0.04 ppm.

Due to a bad experience in a previous go around, I elected to slowly ramp up to the suggested dosage. Technically, I'm not even to the recommended dosage at this point. I am currently dosing 3 ML which is the recommended dosage for 25 gallons of water with less than 10 ppm of nitrate. My total water volume in around 45.

I began dosing 1 ML per day, and I have increased that amount by 1/2 a ML each week until I reached 3 ML per day. I have been running at 3 ML per day for a few weeks now. I stopped increasing the dosage because my levels were dropping pretty steadily. However the drop in my levels appears to be much slower now. I have a feeling that 3 ML per day is close to my "maintenance dosing level".

During the last two weeks is when I started noticing the slime. This was another reason why I stopped increasing the dosage. During this time, I also noticed that my skimmer was starting to really kick but.

After cleaning my sump and realizing that the slime wasn't much of an issue after all, I may increase my dosage a little more to see if I can get my nitrates to a <5 number. But honestly, things are going to well in my tank right now that I'd hate to tinker too much. I'll sleep on it. Maybe the best course is to just keep monitoring. After all, my nitrate levels are continuing to drop, just slowly....

I mentioned a bad experience in a previous go around with NO3 PO4 X. I was reading through the instructions last night and noticed that they said to not use NO3 PO4 X with certain kinds of other denitrifying products. I'm wondering if the carbon source I was using on my previous tank before switching to NO3 PO4 X caused the issue I had. I basically switched within a day which may have been too fast.
I just got some NOPOX recently and was going to be using it. anything to be concerned about as I just have nitrates I'm trying to bring down. The phosphates are in a good range.
SnowManSnow;1073464 wrote: what kind of bad experience ?

I had a weird ammonia cycle on an established tank around the time I switched to NOPOX. I can't say with certainty that the cycle was related to the NOPOX, but it left a bad taste in my mouth which is why I have approached this go around so cautiously.
Genesis;1073470 wrote: I just got some NOPOX recently and was going to be using it. anything to be concerned about as I just have nitrates I'm trying to bring down. The phosphates are in a good range.

Based on what I have read, you only need to be worried if you are currently treating for NO3 or PO4. I think the usual suspect is people running GFO. I think there are special instruction for changing from GFO to this product.