Carbon dosing question


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I need a little advice on carbon dosing on my 50 gallon tank. My levels are not bad but I am currently running at about 5ppm nitrate and 0.4ppm phosphate. I do weekly water changes, run a skimmer, and run GFO in a reactor which has helped with my phos alot. I am thinking about going with the Red Sea product as I don't want to deal with the uncertainty of vodka or vinegar.

My question is that I do not have a sump so my skimmer is a HOB. It is a Reef Octopus BH1000 which is rated a 100 gallons and perfroms quite well at pulling about skimmate. Do you think this would be an adequate skimmer for carbon dosing? Its about the best HOB I could find.

Also I keep mainly LPS, some softies, a clam, and 2 nems. Anyone had issues with dosing kepping any of these? Should I try to keep some trates in the water for the softies and the clam? How much should I shoot for?
Can't help you with the Red Sea, they do have great products!
I use Vodka, why do you say uncertainty?
Well I guess I should say my uncertainty. I am nervous putting vodka in my tank. Do you think that skimmer would be sufficient?
Vodka works great. Just follow the instructions and you will be fine. Has not effected my tank at all. Not to mention a bottle of cheap vodka is a lot cheaper to use.
Mikesmith34;954132 wrote: Vodka works great. Just follow the instructions and you will be fine. Has not effected my tank at all. Not to mention a bottle of cheap vodka is a lot cheaper to use.

been carbon dosing since 2006, last 4 years or more with vodka.

very easy. Start slow & research it a bit.

I just gave it up as I bought this:

Hmmm.... I'm actually interested in the freshwater application of that denitrator...
Once you start with vodka dosing,you'll never look back. The colors are unbelievable and even the small algae blooms that I was having are all but gone.its really pretty easy. Just research and go slowly. My clam,nem or Lps never looked better. Good luck!!!!
I've been dosing vodka for about three months now, and the results have been AMAZING! The only problem i have had is you definitely need to "overfeed". I slacked off for a week or so, and went from three big feedings a day to one average feeding. I definitely noticed a quick decline in a few of my zoas.

Also, i had a significant cyano outbreak a couple weeks in, but it was completely gone within a month. Other than that, it's been a godsend.
Yea do a goggle search on how to vod dose. It has the weeks a amounts based on the size of your tank. Follow it and you will be fine... Oh and use the cheapest crap vod u can find hehhe
mysterybox;954138 wrote: been carbon dosing since 2006, last 4 years or more with vodka.

very easy. Start slow & research it a bit.

I just gave it up as I bought this:"></a>[/QUOTE]

Sure would like to get your feed back in a few months!
Camellia;954515 wrote: I think Ralph gave me this link over a year ago for Vodka dosing."></a>[/QUOTE]

That link is definitely a good start. There are a couple threads on this site and the big forums that are worth the read. If you just do a google search for vodka dosing there is an infinite wealth of information on the subject. I read and re-read for weeks before i finally pulled the trigger on it. I honestly think i over prepared because in my experience, if you keep an eye on your tank, and follow the instructions on the link Debbie just posted, you will be fine.
So I finally started dosing last Friday. I decided to go the Red Sea product NO3-PO4 X. I figured my dosing to be 4ML per day, but I wanted to start slow so I am dosing 3ML per day for now. SO far no issues with any livestock and no cloudy water. The skimmer does seem to be working more than before. I will continue with the 3ML and test again on Friday and post my results. I started with about 5PPM of nitrate and 0.3PPM phosphate.
donniea1800;955458 wrote: I started with about 5PPM of nitrate and 0.3PPM phosphate.

Bear in mind that chemosynthetic life does need some soluble nutrients for life/growth...

If you scan recent threads you will see others that Vodka using Fuel and... myself included, trying to increase nutrients and cutting back Vodka.
It's very easily harmful if you over do it. One of your first signs is everything STOPS growing!
Yep, been there and done that :)