Cardinal Fish Issue...


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This comes from a friend of mine's tank. I offered to post it up here to see if anyone had an idea of what he has or what he should do. This comes directly from his email to me. I can have him give me parameters if necessary, but this looks like a disease of some sort.

"The little guy gets what looks like a pimple. Kinda looks like his insides are coming out. He also has an area above that is also affected. It has happened once before and just went away. It seems that it is going away now. He is eating and socializing like nothing is wrong."

Can anyone off any advice?
Got me. Almost looks like a little fishie hernia. Free bump to learn more!
Parasite? Can't say really. Email JennM and get her advice. She has been around the block with fish diagnosis, recovery and treatment. Should be more of a help than than most.
I heard my name? Actually just stumbled on the thread :)

I would really like to see a larger version of the pic. I went to the photobucket source of the pic but it's still fairly small.

When the lump first appeared and went away, did it come back in the same place?

From that pic it almost looks like it could be an isopod - a parasitic arthropod... here's one pic I googled...

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But if it doesn't look like a parasite, I'd need a closer or clearer pic to see what it looks like.

It could be a number of other things too...

If you have a larger version of that pic, please either upload and post a link, or email me the pic (I think you have my email, Trey, don't you?)

Did your friend do anything to rid the first one, or did it go away on its own?

I just emailed you the one I have Jenn. Maybe it will be bigger through an email. You know this friend of mine, actually. He's bought a few fish from you in the past when we've come up there. I'm not sure if the bump comes back in the same place, but I know he didn't do anything in particular to get rid of it the first time. He's not freaking out at this point because other than the bump, the fish seems fine. If this is a parasitic pod, it must have burrowed under the fishes skin because he says this is definitely coming from "inside" the fish.
Typically isopods attach and then drop off... so I may be barking up the wrong tree. As I emailed back - the pic is still small. Closer up or larger will help if you can.

It could be something else completely - I can't tell just yet.
