cardinal or neon tetra questions


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While I am by no means leaving reefkeeping, I guess we all return from whence we came. I bought a 6 gallon fluval edge from a beloved member (thanks for the great deal Jim) and want to populate it with 3 or 4 tetras (a heater is on its way) . However, I have never had any luck with them. I have tried to keep them in a community tank and by themselves - but they often die after a few weeks - sometimes one or two will die the next day. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you!
I have 6 in a 55gal with black skirt tetras a catfish some head and tail lights and a big bala shark. If they ick up use metro and I just feed mine flakes and the left over or mysis from my sw fish. Fw used to be hard to me but then I got into sw and did hours and hours of research and now I can keep whatever kind of fw fish I want to with little or no effort
Thank you. It appears that the cardinals are much more sensitive than the neons. I will go with the neons.