Carpet Anemone Eating Fish


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I am looking for, possibly, a carpet anemone for my saddleback clown. Has anyone heard of or experienced one of these anemones eating fish in your tank? If so, what other anemone would be a good choice for this fish. Also, I am introducing a pair of percula clowns. What would be a good anemone for them?
Ummmm, yes a carpet has been known to eat a fish from time to time. Plus the things get huge so you need the tank size to support them. Which brings up a good point, how big is your tank?!? Two types of clowns in the same tank is not the best idea. Chances are you are going to find a fight on your hands!!

Start your reading about alternitive anemones here:"></a>
Continue reading here with this FAQ (The first post seems like it was written for you!): [IMG]"></a>

That is about the best help I can give you at the current moment. Other then to tell you that mixing two different types of Anemones could lead to problems on your hands as well.
Yes they do eat fish...I have lost several and then just like xyz.. said they get huge i had the room but needed more space for the coral so i got rid of it due to both factors that he said
BTW Also check out the chart on:
clown fish
I know there was someone on here that actually had pictures of his clown swimming inside the Anenome
Carpets are known to eat their own clowns on occasion. Not an anemone I'd recommend if you have expensive fish or attachment to your clowns :p.
Well, I'm one to talk, as I have an atlantic and a rock anemone in my tank, but try to stick with aquacultured anemones. Don't Think carpets are aquacultered yet, and chances are they wont live long and if they do, they will get way too big, measured in feet, if you read all the hype.

Thanks, Dakota
Vettesarebest;47912 wrote: I know there was someone on here that actually had pictures of his clown swimming inside the Anenome

That was me.

The carpet didn't eat the clowns, the clowns would swim all the way down inside the mouth of the anemone, then pop out again. They would do this all day long."></a>

They will eat fish, and they have a fierce sting.

