Carpet Anemone Question?


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Hello everyone I am back in the hobby after years. I acquired an amazing set up(red sea max) that I am currently letting settle. I have some soft coral, LPS, a Chevron tang and a green carpet. When I set it up and put the tang and GCA in the tank the tang got caught for about 1 second by it. It is fine now but I took the GCA out. I have not decided to keep it and I wanted to know what the collective experience is with them. It is amazing and bigger than a dinner plate. But I don't want it to eat too many fish I assume it is going to happen time to time. Thanks in advance and If anyone is interested and wants to trade either RBTA or something like that please let me know.
It's surprising that the carpet anemone's sting didn't paralyze the tang, your lucky. Their sting damages the tissue and/or paralyzing it where they are unable to survive, keep an eye on your tang!

If it's that big and you plan on keeping fish and inverts, you will loose most! Personally, I wouldn't have one in my tank.
If you do want to keep it, getting a pair of clown fish to host it will help. Clowns will be (annoyingly) protective, keeping other fish away from the Nem. Your best bet would be to get an inexpensive pair of clown fish, they aren't necessarily safe either. Clown have been known to get stung an eaten by the Nem as well.
Thanks that seems to be the consensus I'm probably going to take it out next week when I get the time. The tang seems to be doing good it is swimming around and has a couple small marks on it side but those are actually already starting to go away so I think I got lucky : )
I had a big carpet nem. He was awesome. My two clowns loved him. I never wanted to get rid of him, but he killed a diamond goby, a springeri damsel, and a RBTA that planted too close. So he had to go unfortunately.
I feel you this thing is amazing and I am not going to want to get rid of it but I like fish more!
Carpets are voracious. They grow really large and they eat everything they can reach.

And they have 'stickier' nematocysts than, say, Bubble Anemones, so once stung, prey don't often get away.

Your tang got lucky. This time.
