Carpet Anemone Sting


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Alright, well I picked up a Carpet about a week ago. I was nervous as I have read horror stories. I watched everything carefully and nobody had any problems. Everyone knew to stay clear, and didn't come within a couple inches.

Sunday, I picked up a pair of Anthias. As I introduced them to the tank, I noticed that they could care less about the carpet, and I was watching, I had my scraper down in the tank to discourage them from touching the anemone. Well, they both did, but neither were caught, just a quick sting and they swam away.

So I pulled the carpet, and put in my sump. Since sunday the Anthias have been feeding and acting great. Always in the open, no signs of stress.

Wake up today, and they are both dead.

Could a sting from the carpet be the culprit?

Yes...Im surprised they lasted this long... Anthing that has ever touched my carpets are normally dead within minutes...thats if they even get away from the carpets and are not killed and eaten immediately..

But if it wasnt the carpet sting , then it wouldnt surprise me that they just died from bad shipping or catching techniques... Ive lost track of the amount of fish that I have puchased and died in the first week...a gamble really...
I've never had a carpet so I'm not much help with that, but you might have just bought sick fish.. I know you have probably heard it a thousand times and I used to be guilty of the same thing but a QT tank would do you good. The fish that just passed could have had disease which could spread now to your other fish..