carpet anemone


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I have a lg green carpet anemone with a mated pair of maroon clowns that were relocated to a 29gal tank after I sold my 90 this week. I'm concerned about what kind of lighting I should be using now that they are in a different environment. What kind of bulb and wattage should be used for the anemone to keep it healthy. What would be the minimum requirement ? I have it under a 70w metal halide probably an older bulb with a 15w T5 actinic right now is that enough? It has not fully extended yet I'm starting to get concerned.Thanks, JIM
The general rule of thumb is 3 watts per gallon for anemones so you're not too far off. I would start with a new bulb and then reassess in a few days after the nem settles in.
I had a 48"T5 8bulb sunsystems tek unit probably close to 430w. Thst system would work but not on the 29 gal tank.