carpet anemones


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I am thinking about adding a carpet anemone to my tank, does anyone have any advise on keeping these guys?
ive always been afraid to get one because i read so many times eventually they will eat your fish
I just have a couple of clowns in my tank so I don’t think that would be a problem.
I added couple maxi/Mini in bio cube, it’s only been couple of weeks. I know the big one eats fish not sure about
I have a couple of maxi/mini, 4 Rock Flower and a Rainbow BT. They all just found a spot and kicked their feet up. I don’t do anything special. I feed the tank and they do the rest
I had a carpet anemone and loved it. It grew big eventually. I would feed it some squid or other meaty food occasionally. If you have the right clowns they should love it. I had a maroon clown at the time and he did.

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