catching a fish?


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ok guys my eibli angel has to go nipping on all of my corals. The guy at my LFS said he would give me credit for him if i brought him up there so my question is how do i catch him?

any trick of the trade? ASAP he closes at 7 tonight so i have a good 2 hours to catch him bag him and get to the LFS.

Thanks for your help
There was a thread on reefcentral about good ways to catch a fish.

One way was to put the food in a box underwater and when he went in for the food, lift the box out of the water.

Another way is to lower the water in the tank so that the fish has nowhere to swim.

Another way is to use the net to "herd" the fish into a prepared dark box underwater, as it goes there to seek safety from the net. The fish is then lifted and transported with minimal stress.

That's all I can think of for now -- reefcentral won't let me search at the moment.
Found the thread:"></a>

Bunches of techniques to help catch the fish in there!
ok so i took all the rock work out.....i left all of the 5 or 6 coral frags that i had in the tank so they never were out of water........the sand bed did get stirred up just a bit so what is the next step............i put all the rock back in got all the frags re-positioned where they need to be.....replaced my carbon filters in my penguin 400 filter......emptied the skimmer collection box thing......i added my weekly reef plus amino acid dose.....and now all my fish are swimming GSP looks 2 shrooms look fine and my set of zoas look ok......should i test water tonight or tomm. morning?
when my dad did it in his tank he got a container like you keep a hermit crab in with that little door on top tied some fishing line to the door put some brine shrimp in it lowered it in and when the fish went in pull the strint to close the door and there you go.
ha yeah thanks mike but i was wayyyy to impatient to sit there and watch this fish nip and nip and nip at every coral in that tank so i took all my rock out got the fish called my LFS guy he stayed open late for me actully waited about 20 min. for me to get there so i can drop the fish off and he gave me some credit to his store.

now im letting it all settle down i did a water test earlier all looked good so i think im ok......just waiting for my plate coral to come around
you got him out i had a damsel in my 125 that was killing my clown fish i had a time getting him he whould not take the bait in the trap so i had to tear it down
what has always worked for me is going to the tank at like 2am when the lights are out.....or later....and turn on my VHO'S. The change in lighting will "shock" them for a bit. Generally the fish will swim out but be in a drunk like stuper. Snag them in a net and be on your way.
Yup - I use pretty much the same method as Lee- I just wait until the middle of the night, and then break out my flashlight when I see the fish I want. Shine it in their eyes, then scoop them up with a net. It takes ~20 minutes for fish's eyes to adapt, so they're almost blind until then...