Chaeto in Display?


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I have a Red Sea Max and i was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on ways to safely have Chaeto in the tank without it breaking all apart?

i got some from tim tonight and i put it in as the ball he sold it to me in but i guess i have too much flow for it to stay in a ball and it all broke up :-( i gathered as much as i could and tossed it in the overflow for now so it stays wet and i have a PC shining into the side compartment where the wires normally go so yea i had the idea of maybe a clear plastic mesh bag or maybe some sort of pantyhose type bag where it could still get the light it needs but be contained for the most part by the bag?

anyone have ideas?

my flow is roughly 2000 gph (2) korelia 3's and the return pumps 2 @ 134gph
well i really would like to have a sump but cant seem to find a prebuilt one that will fit in the stand thats not outrageously priced and im not that technical when it comes to getting stuff put together by hand to build my own :-(

and to me if i could have it be in a solid ball i dont mind it traveling around the display all im worried about is it sucking up some excess nutrients
I have a small 4x6 mesh bag. jammed full and rubber banded shut. It is in my hang on black box. Grows thru the bag. My tangs thinks that it is a "snack bar." Works great!
i have the whole cabinet empty i just dont know how to build one myself.. so if anyone is interested in helping a newbie make a sump and get it working let me know.. i know the cabinet is big enough for a decent sump as ive seen them but dont know how to incorporate it into the system of the RSM as this is my second tank both all in one
i tossed some scraps into my 14g biocube as the flow in it is way less but the rsm has high high flow from what ive heard most people arent running 2k gph thru a 34 gallon tank without a sandstorm
hm, I put cheato in my nano display. I painted a piece of egg crate black and sandwiched the cheato between the back wall and egg crate, the butted the live rock up to the egg crate to hold it in place. End results....... A non intrusive In-Tank Refugium...........</em>
You can use something like this....get it from WalMart for about $3.
