Chalice coral advice

Jeremey’s reef

Well-Known Member
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Forest park
Hello everyone, I recently purchased a chalice coral of pretty good size and do to its sweeper tentacles I was force to move my symphillya. My main question is,what are some if any LPS corals that I can put close to the chalice? Would you trust a monti cap’s life is not in danger when in close proximity? Could I surround it with other corals that have sweeper tentacles to try and mitigate warfare or isolate in a common area?
If it’s sending sweepers I’d keep stuff away. Chalice can be pretty brutal. I’ve had one bump into an acan and ate a head or two overnight before I caught it. I’ve also had it get stung by a torch so they’re not indestructible from stings from other corals.
If it’s sending sweepers I’d keep stuff away. Chalice can be pretty brutal. I’ve had one bump into an acan and ate a head or two overnight before I caught it. I’ve also had it get stung by a torch so they’re not indestructible from stings from other corals.
Thanks for the advice brother
I mean that’s just me. Most chalices don’t send out long sweepers. I know there’s a few species and I think from your tank thread our chalice is a Mycedium genus which do send out longer sweepers than others so it’ll be more aggressive.