Changing my opinion on AlgaeFix.....


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Lately, I've been singing the praises of AlgaeFix in every thread I thought it applied....

It Works! No doubt. Completely transformed my tank as far as algaes are concerned. I could tell a difference after the first dose, and I'm finishing about the 12th dose.

I read every article and review google found, and thought I was making a well informed decision.

Problem is, it has browned out every softie in my tank. I thought something when everything I read stated how AlgaeFix didn't negatively impact SPS and LPS, but mentioned little about soft corals and I have a tank of nothing but softies.

From Denise (twocute...) I bought a Toadstool that was a nice light-buttery yellow with green tipped polyps. Now, it's as brown as brown is brown.....

One of my favorite corals is a Florescent Green Colt Coral that Curator had given to me for tank sitting for him a few years back. It was only a one inch frag that was the brightest green I'd ever seen, now it's about 5" long and was stunning...... Although it's still green, it's not nearly as vibrant as it was before dosing AlgaeFix. It's a murky green now, but hoping it'll come back.

My Cabbage Corals have shrunk and have not opened since the first dose.

I think I'm going to discontinue the use of this product, and move all my coral to the new office reef. If algae starts being an issue in that tank... I'll weigh the pros/cons of the product before I start dosing.

Being very specific, the product did as it advertised, and even better than what I thought it'd do, it's just unfortunate that the coral color is so diminished in the process. THE CORALS ARE STILL HEALTHY (although the Cabbage is still closed at this point).

I think it's a good product, I just wanted to advise of the trade-off I experienced with coloration.

I hope my suggestion of using this product has not negatively impacted any member that read my posts...

If so, I apologize!

......And maybe I can make it up to you by giving you a brown frag:D
I was thinking about using it a while back, but never really got around to it/still scared.

I believe you did post in my thread when I was asking about the stuff, advocating the product.

I don't hold a grudge :) Do you have Zoas? Did it effect them too?

I don't plan on using it, I am finally getting my HA problem under control, but thanks for sharing your experiences, negative and positive.

Keep us posted on how long it taKes for corals to gain color back.
If you look over at RC, there's been numerous people who have experienced similar issues as you. My recommendation is not to use past one month. The stuff does work vs HA but going past a month does put some sensitive corals and macro algae at risk.

I've also used it but this time I didn't go past one month and my corals never suffered. It knocked back the HA to the point where I can at least control it and use other methods to try to finally eradicate it.
Yet one more reason why I'm not a fan of "chemical fixes".

Hope they colour up again, Dak.

good to know, I'm at my 4th dose and I can barely see any results.