Changing out a hosted anemone.


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I am thinking of removing my GIANT anemone and getting a smaller one like one of the fire tips if I ever get the phone call that they got more at BP. I want to get more SPS and it is just taking up way to much space in my little tank.

My concern is that it is host to my clowns....What are the chances that they will not host in the new anemone? Any precautions I should take?

I plan on just taking it to Poseidon's for store credit but if anyone wants it let me know.:yes: You can see it in the photography forum under my tank post.
I think each individual case is unique, but I'll tell you an exerience of mine.

I have a tomato clown that hosted in a LTA for about a year. When I came home from my honeymoon, my LTA was gone. (I never figured out what happened to it.) I had added a smaller RBTA to my tank a few months prior. The tomato clown ignored it for the first couple of months, but he eventually started hosting it.

So I'm fairly confident that your clowns will host the new anemone- it just might take awhile.

Good luck!
I would bet theyd take to it in a heartbeat....The clarkies I had has changed anenomes 3 times...each time theyd be in it within minutes after introducng the anenome to the tank. Just my experience
Thats about what I thought, just wanted to make sure. Never hurts to ask right!
how big is the anemone? i miht be intrested in it for my maroon do you have a pic?