Charging a Chiller


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Anyone know anything about recharging a chiller? It is an older Aquanetics 1/4 hp with R134a. I think it might have some life left after a recharge.


sooo How many chills can a charger chill
if a charger could chill chills

Take to your Auto repair guys..I did that...Just like charging a car.
Aqua Logic makes them right? If so, contact Aqua Logic and see if they have a recommended service station, if not, you could try calling a Head @ Air guys and see if they can recharge it.... From most of what I have read it will turn out you will be better off buying a new one... sometimes even cheaper.
yeah. I may just get a new one. It is starting to sound ragged and is not efficient at all. These $350 power bills are killing me!

What, $20 at your auto mechanic vs $400 new...

Thought you asked where you could get it charged?
I don't know how different it is than an auto 134a system, but 134a auto systems (unlike older R12 systems) it has different fittings for high/low sides. In a car it's a simple matter of connecting a can/pressure guage to the low side and changing to the ideal pressure on the guage.
So I don't offend any auto/ac techs out there I want to clarify..... :)
An auto shop/ac techs use alot better equipment (vacuums, manifolds, etc.) to maximize the how effective the ac system works, but the above is a quick way to get "cold" back in a discharged ac system.
If the charge is low there is a leak somewhere in the system. Freon is not 'used up' in a refrigeration system. It is a sealed unit that uses the freon to displace heat from the water. If you have it recharged it will very probably leak down again unless you have it repaired.
I guess I need to get it checked out before making a decision. I started wondering if the newer models are much more efficient. I have been doing research on SEER ratings on home AC units and it is amazing that a 13 SEER unit is 30% more efficient on energy than my 10 SEER. I could justify the initial cost of a new chiller if it knocked $20 or so per month off my power bill.
If your in conyers or there abouts I run a service dept for Lincoln Merc. Im sure one of my guys will charge it..just the cost of freon that would be minimal (less than 10.00)
You can also buy dye to test for leaks. Also, if you charge it once and lose that freon, please fix it. I have seen way too many people (and shops) recharge a system over and over and over. This wastes time, money, and "likely" the environment. A few seals and some elbow grease will fix 90% of the leaks.<u></em></u>
I am an diesel tech at atlanta freightliner if u r n the area i can fix it for u if u let me take it to work one day, plus i got alot of seals and stuff if it is just a slow leak on a fitting or something.

when you do a vacum tset you now if there is a leak or not my brother has a h/vac company ive worked with him on many jobs. chillers are easy to do.