I'm running a cheap Ebay bulb on my tank.
I bought the bulbs after the "Where's the PAR Meter" thread I started. I'm new to MH lighting and don't know the look of various bulbs, since I already was using a 10K, I purchased a cheap 14K and 20K from ebay, with shipping, both bulbs only cost a total of 24 bucks. I was going to use them just to see which color </em>of light I prefered and buiy a more expensive bulb in the same kelvin rating, but once I screwed the 20K in, I've really liked it and just left it. I would still like a PAR meter to see what my clam is getting along the lines of PAR in the bottom of my tank, but not terribly concerned as my tank is supplimented with a lot of natural sun in the winter time, another reason for the 20K as it counteracts the washed out yellow of the natural sunlight.