Cheato desolving


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I'm cycling dead live rock which is at the end of its cycle (never did spike ammonia) and through some live sand and macos in with it.

Everythings great, even found a few crabs in Ouling's sand (thanks Ouling)

Rock good
Sand Good
Red Grape good
Green Grape good
Halimeda good (although tinted with red coraline)

Cheato turning brown and desolving into tiny little pieces that mix with the sand

Any reason for this? Anyone have this happen?

Only thing I can think of is maybe I had it in a low flow area of the vat I'm curing in.

Are you giving it light? It needs light and flow to live dakota. Go get a full spectrum PC light from lowes and put it on them, and get a power head in there blowing flow on it.
I've got one power head in there now, might not be enough though. I already took your advice weeks ago on the lighting. I've got a 28 watt 6500K bulb on it atleast 12 hours a day. Now I'm wondering if fine silt (from sand) didn't settle on it blocking light.
I haven't figured it out completely yet, but I believe that chaeto is a lil more sensitive to lack of iron than most other macros. When I see my chaeto starting to wilt I harvest half of it and then add some iron supplement to the water which usually brings it back around.