Check my Potential Fish List Please!


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Hey! Let me know your thoughts on my list..:

180g DT
75g Fuge
60g Frag
100g sump

It will eventually be a mixed reef. LPS, SPS, Fish, Nems, etc..

Temp today 4/26/11 has been 79.5 to 81.1. In the last week,
the high has been 81.5 and the low was 76.4;

The ph has been 8.17 to 8.08. In the last week - high of 8.2, low of 8.08.

In no particular order, this is what I am thinking:

9-10 Anthias
a combonation of either Resplendent

3-4 Tangs
Naso (regular or blonde)
Powder Brown or Powder Blue
Blue or Yellow Tang
Yellow Belly Regal Blue Tang

2 Clownfish (don't know what kind yet. I had Maroons in my last tank and loved them,
but I know they are spossed to be super aggressive)

1 Yellowhead Jawfish

1 Orange Spotted Goby

3-4 Shrimp
2 cleaners
2 pepermints

lots of snails

so 16 - 18 fish

Midas Blenny
Leiutentant Tang or Orange Shoulder Tang or Sailfin Tang

Thoughts, suggestions, comments? Also, what order would be best to add them? THANKS!
Hey Mike!

The list looks good to me. You're gonna love the ignitus/dispar anthias. They have definitely been some of my favorite additions. Im thinking about adding carberrys and Bartletts later on down the road. I would add the tangs last and the powder blue the last of that group. I believe the orange shoulder is in the same family as the powder blue so keep that in mind... Though admittedly I'm considering a kole, powder blue, hippo and orange shoulder as well.
I have three thoughts about your list.

1) Powder blue tangs are gorgeous but usually not very nice. :) From hearing other's comments, they also seem to be ick magnets. I personally would ditch either of the powders and get a tomini instead.
2) The jawfish needs a DSB or at least an area of the tank with deep sand.
3) I am an echinoderm freak and would love to see an urchin or holothurian on your list. :)

deff want some anthias, and was thinking do the tangs last..

there are several areas with 3-4" bed for the jawfish, had an urchin for a bit with my last tank, but he kept messing up the rock structure :eek:),
Urchins will destroy structures if everything isn't glued down.....another thought, coralline algae won't have a chance....they scrape EVERYTHING off of rocks.

I wouldn't mix tangs of the same family/shape. There are so many variations of tangs......that shouldn't be an issue.

As for clownfish, yes....maroons can be a handful. Mine decided to claim some palys as its home (two separate locations), he would dart back and forth between the middle of the tank to one of the corners that the palys were in defending his homes. This would have been a non-issue, had the palys not been in the center of the tank. I added an onyx mated pair, which he tormented constantly until running them over into my overflows. After which....I never could manage to get them out. He never bothers my other clowns only because they never come near his end of the tank.
I agree with the urchin comments, but still recommend as a cool thing to look at.

Just make sure everything is glued down and you should be good to go, just be warned, most of them grow VERY fast and will soon be huge. A small pincushion or tuxedo should be fine, but a diadema/diodema (sp?) will get big in a hurry.