Chemi pure gave me red algae?!


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29 gallon biocube. About 6 months old. 2 clowns a peppermint shrimp a few zoas and a few crabs.
I had cycled it tbrough and started to get a green fuzz over my rocks. It was like a short thick fuzzy grass. It didnt look that bad almost like a velvet green. Anyway I decided to swap out my activated carbon with a bag of chemipure. Within two days I stardted getting red slime. I put in a uv light in my back sump. But I thought chemipure was supossed to get rid of algae not promote it. Should I ditch the chemipure or is it something else you think? Corals are doing good. I have zoas and some montipora. Just a little red hair slime looking stuff
Tank looks pretty fresh and going thru the ugly stage as it matures. How long has the tank been set up?
Id say about 6 months. I do a 5 gallon change once a week and top off with rodi inbetween. I just did a waterchange and took out the chemipure elite. I guess Ill see what happens
Id say about 6 months. I do a 5 gallon change once a week and top off with rodi inbetween. I just did a waterchange and took out the chemipure elite. I guess Ill see what happens
I already had tge diatom bloom and it went away when cycling. Tge green algae bas died back but now I have this brown stuff. Its in the highest flow area of my tank. I pulled the chemipure elite out of tge tank. Surprisingly the water looks clearer but hasnt affected the algae. Thankfully it doesnt seem to be spreading.
Ive done more research. Looks like I have dinoflagelletes. My tank had pretty clean water and when I put the chemipure pro in it stripped all of the nutrients out of the water. This caused the dino bloom. Im going to try a 3 day blackout and turning the heat up as well as getting my phos and nitrates up