chemi pure


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Suwanee, GA
thinking of starting to run some in my canister to help with overall health of fish and coral in my tank. anyone have experience with it? thanks

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I have used it with success. Beware though, as it can cause your phosphates to bottom out.
which chemi pure? There are cheaper alternatives, but chemi-pure just makes it easy since its already in a bag with minimal rinsing ready to go.

Many reefers have used their product line with great results, but again, there are cheaper alternatives.

I believe the reg. chemi-pure is just activated carbon. You can just get some BRS Rox and put it in a media bag and have the same effect.

Chemipure Elite is Carbon+GFO. If you're goal is to control phosphates and can do a reactor, GFO is a cheaper and more effective alternative in the long run.
oh ok. I was looking to get the chemi pure blue but i’ll look into using just carbon. thanks

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I’ve got the larger 11oz chemi-pure blue in my canister for my 40B and I think its bottomed out my PO4. I’m doing a 20% water change this weekend and going to try the 5oz. If it still doesn’t correct the issue then I’m switching to carbon and a small phosguard (when needed)
would running a smaller dose than recommended lower the nutrients less, or just cause it to get used up quicker?