Chemistry Experts-Hydrogen Peroxide in saltwater to kill algae?


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I was having a PM conversation with another member last night that has bryopsis in his reef tank. Freshwater planted tank keepers sometimes use hydrogen peroxide to spot kill hair algae in freshwater tanks, meaning they draw up some in a syringe and basicallly bath the algae in it while it is still underwater. This can raise redox in a FW planted tank, but I don't know what H2O2 in a reef tank would do or if it would work for spot killing algae in a Reef? Any ideas? Thanks.
Back in around 1990 it was common practice to use hydrogen pyroxide in tanks to speed up the cycle process. I did this once and it created popeye in a damsel. I know this doesn't answer your question, but be extremely careful if you do decide to do this. I wouldn't, but that is just my opinion.

I am not asking for my tank. I'm not sure what the effect on slatwater would be.
you asking for the chemical effect on the water itself, or the things living in the water

With the water itself adding hydrogen peroxide will charge your magnesium mean it will basically become a powersource, you could actually put a light bulb in the water and light it