chiller time?


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First warm day of the season and my tank is at 82F and going up. I turned off the two additional koralias, all the fans are on and I left the front piece of the hood open but not much help.

What do you guys think of the 1/10HP Current USA Prime Flow Through Chiller? Is there something else better and in the same price range?I have a RSM250 (65gal) would i have to add a pump to hook it up or do they come with all the hoses/pumps?
after reading some more I figured it needs a pump but I'm thinking about adding it inline to one of my pumps in the RSM

Any feedback on the oceanic 1/6 chiller?
I don't really have a sump, it's an all in one and my plan was to dump it into the display directly so it can use the existing pump, good point thanks
I've been using a bigger Prime USA Chiller for a few years. I love it.
Where should I put a "real" fan? I have the ceiling fan right above it running and that helps a bit. Good thing is temp doesn't go over 82F so maybe I'll be good without a chiller.

Thanks for all the responses.
Forget "Chiller Time"'s "MILLER TIME"! BTW, what type of fish is that in your avatar? Is it reef safe?
Have you fired up the AC yet? I know I haven't and my tank is similar temps as yours. Today it was 81F when I checked it after work. Now once I fire up my AC, it never gets over 80F.

Others may correct me but I'm pretty sure that as long you have good sources of O2, you should be fine (the higher the temps, the less O2 the water can hold). A good protein skimmer should be the biggest source of oxygen for your tank and should be enough.
all good points, house AC is not on yet and it will help once it's turned on. I'll put the chiller on hold for now.

I checked the digital temp with another one - different brand and it looks accurate.

And finally the fish in my avatar is reef safe but can't say the same about fresh water. She almost killed all the fw fish by feeding them all the fish food I had in the house one morning. She thought they were hungry...
Better than helping you clean your tank by sqyirting in a bottle of pert plus.
Yeah that one happened to my buddy.
Try the bigger fan thing it should work for you