
Steve Burton

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Anybody have tanks in your garage, is it air conditioned? Do you have to run chillers in the summer? I set up a 60 gallon frag tank with sump in my un-air conditioned garage, need to know what to prepare for this summer. Thanks.
I would plan on getting a chiller.  Even those with heated and cooled garages have issues if its opening and closing for short periods of time.  :(
I've had a tank in my garage for probably 4 or 5 years.  Even though I installed a double insulated garage door a few years ago, I still have to run a chiller during the summer.  I tried using just a cooling fan for the first couple of years and that seemed to work until we get outdoor temps steadily near 100.  My issue is my garage faces the sun all day to it gets direct heat.  Tank temps would get to 84.  I already had a chiller so it just made sense for me to make the change.

I have a dual fan that I'd sell you if you want to try that before going for a chiller.  I believe it's dual 8" fans that worked great for me the first couple of years.
I have a "like new" in-line Trade Winds 1/2 HP chiller with Ranco temperature controller for sale. $450. Got air in the basement and don't need the chiller now.
I have mine in the garage. Running a fan + window AC unit take care of the hearing problem
if you're in GA you'll need a chiller probably. It gets hotter than ... well it gets hot here. and sweaty :)  Good luck!@