Christmas Wrasse


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I bought a Christmas Wrasse on Monday. Gorgeous. Saw hi
In tank Monday eve. Haven't seen him since. How do I know if he is dead or alive? How long can they hide if hiding? I have 90 gallon reef well established.


Mine came out a bit sooner than that. I believe they hide and sleep in the sand so expect it to dissapear periodically.
Great choice on a fishie. They're beautiful. Don't be too alarmed if he doesn't pop up for a few days. Just be patient and when he does pop out for a peek throw some food in for him and soon he'll start following you around like a puppy dog.
Yep, he sleeps in the sand, so you may not see him for a bit. Very cool fish.
He finally came out!!!!! Was out most of the day yesterday, but 6 line chasing him and he went back into hiding :(
Six-lines can be a$$es. I hope your six-line doesn't harass him too much. Keep an eye on them. I have read many accounts of six-lines bullying others literally to their deaths. :(