Ciprofloxacin and livestock safety


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Under the sea
Im currently about to start a dosing schedule of Ciprofloxacin antibiotic, and am expectedly concerned for livestock safety. The primary concern is for the ornamental sponges, but im still interested in hearing others experience on all groups/livestock, including any i overlooked.

Fishes: i expect it is safe and will have no issues.
Coral: This antibiotic is to help with specific bacterial infections of corals, so it is expected safe for the corals.

Anemones: ?
Clams: ?
Shrimp and hard shelled inverts: ?
Snails and soft bodies inverts: ?
Sea stars and urchins: ?
Sponges: ????
Algae: ?

Likewise, it may be interesting to see if it has an effect on various common pests, such as cyanobacteria.
I always prefer to use Cipro in an unconnected 10g tank where the dosage can be higher & water changes can be performed. However, I have not had problems using Cipro in tanks with all of the listed animals besides shrimp; I doubt they would be any less resistant than crabs, though.
Again, if space allows I would suggest using a separate tank to treat the coral for fear of underdosing. The absolute last thing we need is for the BJD or STN bacterium to become resistant to the most useful, and safe to dispose of, antibiotic on the market. A common method is a five gallon bucket with a sponge filter for flow, some live rock, and a light on top, dosing 250mg at lights out and doing a 100% water change every other morning for a week (however I have gone up to a week without water changes to no ill effect; it all depends on the state of the animals). This way the bacteria has no chance to become resistant because we're starting with a lethal dose.

In the case that the animal is too ingrained in the rockwork, or too sensitive to remove, you can try a HIGHLY modified KFC method that I have used myself.
Mix about 20 mls of your chosen amino acid supplement with 150-250mg Cipro, 100mg Amox, or even three scoops of Chemiclean (also an antibiotic). This solution can then be diluted in about a cup more water. If it's an LPS, mix in something like Reef Roids or another dirty food to get them enticed.
Next, turn off the flow and slowly drizzle this solution over the coral. Even sick animals will actively adsorb amino acids, and with any luck you will get the animal to bring in the antibiotic with it. You can also soak frozen food in the solution for brains, nems and other big eater animals.
Good luck with your dosing! I'd love to know how to goes no matter what method you end up using.
I dose in the tank and it doesn’t affect my corals negatively. I take a 500mg cipro with 50ml RO water. Dose (liters x .125)/10 for seven days with UV, skimmer, and lights off.
Same. I have corals, clams, nems, shrimp, snails, brittle stars...and haven't noticed anything adverse. Or beneficial to be honest.
I was losing torches randomly and tried dosing cipro...didn't do much to save them 🤷‍♂️
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Same. I have corals, clams, nems, shrimp, snails...and haven't noticed anything adverse. Or beneficial to be honest.
I was losing torches randomly and tried dosing cipro...didn't do much to save them 🤷‍♂️
Dosing in-tank is super hit or miss, though you do have to make sure it's done at tonight & that UV is turned off, as it degrades rapidly in the presence of light once dissolved. It's always more effective to remove the affected corals and treat them separately.
Dosing in-tank is super hit or miss, though you do have to make sure it's done at tonight & that UV is turned off, as it degrades rapidly in the presence of light once dissolved. It's always more effective to remove the affected corals and treat them separately.
Yep I dosed the tank at night and also tried dipping the individual corals for about 20-30min.
It didn't save any torches so I figured it must've been something else...
Great feedback! Any known impact on sponges?
I've got a Gorgonian in one of my troughs and after two rounds of Cipro it's looking fine. It also didn't dent any of the pineapple sponges I've got here and there. I will state, that I did lose a few heads on a hammer and I believe it was due to Cipro particulate landing on those heads when dosing. So I started dosing the bottom of the mix, where the larger particulate settles, in the return chamber in the sump.

As a side note. It will wipe out most, if not all, of the water born bacteria in the system. It will also put a dent in the slime coat on the surfaces including the pipes. Be prepared to dose bacterial products after treatment, I'm using a trio of them. Prodibio Bio Digest, Dr Tim's Eco Balance and MB7. Alternating days and taking a couple day break after all three, then starting over.

These are the DNA tests before and after the 1st round of Cipro and only dosing Prodibio which prompted me to use more than one product.


As you can see there a marked difference in the overall "Biome" with a complete lack of pathogens. The 2nd Cipro round a couple weeks later should have done in anything minuscule left. I will be doing another couple follow up tests in January & February.
Thanks Adam (and everyone else). Good info about the sponges, and re-populating the bacteria. I will order some before dosing.

Also, i may purchase a before and after analysis since i see that company has a holiday sale right now.
Placed an order for a microbiome subscription... just to do at least 3 tests.

Likewise, i purchased some more bacteria.

Ill post my results here. For those interested to reference.