Clean Those Powerheads!!


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I always neglect doing a good powerhead clean. The other day I noticed my gyre 1k making a bit of noise so today I had a few minutes to scrub it down and clean it up good. I usually run it around 40% but after cleaning it I had to knock it back to 10% lol Stuff was blowing all over, it was like a brand new powerhead!
I have been putting off cleaning the powerheads in my 22g tank. I woke up this morning and told myself I'd do it today if I have the time. Thanks! This is a little bit more motivation.
I usually clean my mp10 more frequently cause it gets a little more gunked up but it made a world of difference on the gyre
I have to do this to my pumps. They are all purple with coraline algae. Are you using anything in particular to clean them or just a brush down and rinse off sort of thing?
Dont forget to clean you return pump too. I cleaned all my powerheads last weekend. Today I pulled the jebao pump thats been running my bowfront for 2 or so years. It was freakin nasty. Tho it was still running great considering how dirty it was
I have 4 pumps in the display. 2 along the back and the 2 on the sides. My plan is to take out 2, clean those and place em back in. Then, take out the other 2.
I have 4 pumps in the display. 2 along the back and the 2 on the sides. My plan is to take out 2, clean those and place em back in. Then, take out the other 2.
Thats how i do it. Now for return pumps I have a spare pump so I can swap them out and clean the dirty one when I have time
I finally got around to cleaning them yesterday and it made a huge difference.
I have a few powerheads I've been using for 2 years. What's the best way to clean them? Just soak in citric acid, or am I going to have to scrub all the nooks and crannies?
I just usually use water and a toothbrush but I know people use citric acid, vinegar or muriatic acid as well.
If you dont clean them often you can get away with using a small bottle of citric acid from walmart in the canning section(rather than buying in bulk). Two teaspoons per liter of water into a tupperware container. I soak them for at least 10 mins and almost everything comes off easily with a hard bristle toothbrush.
The coraline doesnt really bother me. I'm more concerned with the gunk and slimy $h!t. All that came off with a toothbrush and a bit of elbow grease.
When it comes to a deep clean, some tap water, a bit of vinegar, let it soak a while and brush off. Done