Clean up crew suggestions...


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Demorest, Ga
OK so just started the 100g tank a couple of weeks ago and went by the Fritz Turbo Start 900 directions and did the "fish in" cycle. Everything is doing well and is starting to enter the ugly stages. So therefore, I'm looking into the BEST clean up crews there is, for this large tank. I own trochus, Mexican hermits and Scarlets for my smaller tanks. What would do best for the reef for this large tank?
Once you get some algae going:
Mexican turbos are my best cleaners.
Conchs(fighting and strawberry) are cool critters and work the sand bed

I also like Pitho crabs and emeralds once you start getting bubble algae
Alright cool! Yeah I forgot to mention that I also have a couple emarlds too, they are pretty cool. How many of each do you think for 100g? The ugly stages are here and starting to grow algae on the rock work and the sand bed. Not so much the glass.... for now. 😅
I really love my tiger conch, for a sand bed your size I would start with one, especially if your biology is not too high. I also adore my nassarius snails, they do a good job of eating the uneaten food off the sand bed.

For all round clean up I like cerith snails.

For algae I love trochus.

You asked how many, I would start relatively small and scale up because with your tank being early on it may not be able to support a lot.
On the other hand if algae is getting out of control adding a bunch of snails works great, and their population will self regulate as the food supply dwindles.
I'll look into a conch. The tank isn't overwhelmed with algae... yet. I do know that it is coming at some point and would like to be ready at least with the knowledge of how many and of what I should get.

I've read many many many forums and other informative articles including talking to customers before making this leap but it still a little bit confusing to me with "stocking" a reef tank. So with clean up crews I feel as if there should be more in the aquarium just like in a planted freshwater aquarium.....
My personal belief is that it is fine to add more than you think you need, as long as you are okay with some dieing off. If there is not enough food to support the population then some of them will die off until it regulates. Just make sure to monitor and remove the ones that die so that they do not add to the problem.