Cleaner shrimp dead?

No it’s dead. The other shrim molted. Will Fire Shrimp and cleaner shrimp fight? I see the fire shrimp has moved into new digs
Not chasing numbers, but since something died:
pH 8.2
Temp 78.5
dKH 8
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
PO4 .05
Nitrates 5ppm
Haven’t tested anything else like Mg or Ca in a couple of weeks
Is it in your DT now or still in QT? Has it been getting enough food?
I didn’t QT it, went straight into DT. There’s a ton of diatom algae in addition to the variety of foods I put in every day so I think so. I’ve had the fire shrimp for a couple of weeks and he’s doing well, already shedded once. Idk
They’re not known for being diatom/algae cleaners so that wouldn’t count much towards food. But if you’re feeding the tank other foods then they should be okay on that end as long as there’s enough to around. Maybe a bad molt? Was the shrimp like half molted or looked like it was in the process of molting?
They’re not known for being diatom/algae cleaners so that wouldn’t count much towards food. But if you’re feeding the tank other foods then they should be okay on that end as long as there’s enough to around. Maybe a bad molt? Was the shrimp like half molted or looked like it was in the process of molting?
Couldn’t really tell. I did do some research on them and they have a tendency to drop dead like this for no apparent reason. Maybe the fire shrimp killed him? I have no idea but I think my one fire shrimp is enough.
Fire shrimp can be territorial. They usually stay in their own little areas/caves from what I have seen. Cleaner shrimp might've pushed its boundaries a bit and agitated the fire shrimp. Not highly likely but not impossible either.
I haven’t seen aggression between these shrimp. Even if so, they can run away from the other very quickly. And even though generally fire shrimp are bigger, regular skunk cleaners are much faster and more active in my experience.

And your parameters seem fine to me. It could potentially be your Alk, but I doubt it would be Calc or Mag. What is your salinity?

It’s a good question. My first thoughts also were that it was a molt. But if it’s not that, I’m uncertain of the cause. How new is it? It’s possible that the primary factor in its death was just stress from the transfer.
I haven’t seen aggression between these shrimp. Even if so, they can run away from the other very quickly. And even though generally fire shrimp are bigger, regular skunk cleaners are much faster and more active in my experience.

And your parameters seem fine to me. It could potentially be your Alk, but I doubt it would be Calc or Mag. What is your salinity?

It’s a good question. My first thoughts also were that it was a molt. But if it’s not that, I’m uncertain of the cause. How new is it? It’s possible that the primary factor in its death was just stress from the transfer.
Have had it about a week or maybe 5 days. Has been doing great. SpGr 1.026. Maybe it was trying to molt? I have no idea. Guess I won’t worry too much about it. Everything else looks good. Was going to do a water change today anyway. I have heard shrimp need proper iodine levels to molt properly but have no idea how to test for that.