Cleaner Shrimp


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My Cleaner shrimp is loaded up with eggs under her belly. A few weeks ago I noticed hundreds of little things swimming under the lunar lights, and that must be what they are. I looked again late last night and there are still some swimming around, so I took some to my refuge in the basement hoping the get a nice hiding spot in the Cheeto. Any suggestions on how to raise them?
I know nothing on the subject but this book should help.

Talk to Brandon as he has been doing a ton of research. He has several dozen growing in his fuge right now.
Porter at the Fish Store and More in Buckhead has raising/growing out cleaner shrimp down pat. You could ask him. :)Good luck. :)
Xyzpdq0121;40064 wrote: Several dozen, try several hundred!

Send me a PM if you need some help.

Brandon, how big are they now? Let me know when they reach "sellable" size :thumbs: :yay: :up:
JustOneMoreTank;40111 wrote: Porter at the Fish Store and More in Buckhead has raising/growing out cleaner shrimp down pat. You could ask him. :)Good luck. :)

Is this the same Porter as the one currently being bashed in a different thread for not honoring an agreement involving him raising someone else's seahorses?
If calfo was right this weekend, they have about another 30 days till they will big enough for transport. That is if I do not kill them first by doing something stupid! ;)
Well we know that is going to happen... but fortunately not all stupid things you can and will do on a daily basis will kill the shrimp. ;)
Not sure about 'the other thread'... I know that he is an uber scientific-type person and is on the boards some. He has tons of knowledge and experience dealing with advanced reefkeeping topics. I do know that he is very into raising various Hippocampus species.
The other thread has been removed from the site. It was mine. I was not bashing him, but was letting y'all know what happened to me in my dealings with him about my seahorses he was raising. Please PM if you have any questions, as it has been deemed not appropriate public conversation :)
Lenny;40282 wrote: The other thread has been removed from the site. It was mine. I was not bashing him, but was letting y'all know what happened to me in my dealings with him about my seahorses he was raising. Please PM if you have any questions, as it has been deemed not appropriate public conversation :)

Ohh... interesting... :unsure: . I had not ever heard anything about any of this.

Hope everything worked/works out ok. :fish: